
Take Time FOR YOU!

Hi there,

Hope you all are having a great holiday season! I know you are getting ready for Christmas and waiting for Santa to come down the chimney. Boy! Do I wish that was so true! Santa had it made riding around in a sled, eating milk & cookies and sliding down the chimney.
Now we have his job and instead of a sled we have our car (using alot of gas), no snacks and forget about going down a chimney. We get to stand in long lines and most of the time not find the gifts we are looking for. Oh the joy! lol
Yet when its all said and done....the looks on our childrens faces....Priceless! :-)

As for myself, I made gifts for the family and will ship them out after the holidays...everyone lives in NY, Florida, or Texas. This saves me gas, I get to eat turkey and wrap gifts and no long lines. lol
Yes, I'm cheating the holiday hustle and bustle; after all we as crafters stress enough for craft shows and the extra stress of shopping drives me nuts. lol

With this being said...take some time out for you. You worked you butts off all year with craft shows, fabric & thrift shopping and more. So tomorrow...yes, tomorrow...Take a ME TIME!
No kids or hubby....just you!
Find that quiet place that no one knows about and go there. Because once the new year starts. Its back to being a craftaholic! :-)

Hugs & blessings to You and Yours!

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