While Hubby and I was doing our Saturday drive, I decided to stop by the library and pick out some books. Although I've been in business 20 years I still don't know it all. I love business books and just wanted 1 but I came out with 7 books. Hubby said,"Honey, you sure you have enough books". Men, don't they know that running a business is like a superbowl. We continue down the field until we reach the goal line. :-)
I'm considering writing a book one day so I thought I would pick up something on writing too.
If you are just starting out with your business. I would look for any and all books by Barbara Brabec! The woman is great and I own just about all her books.
Here is the list of books I found:
1. First Draft in 30 Days by Karen S. Wiesner (a writers guide)
2. Career Opportunites in Writing by Allan Taylor & James Robert Parish
3. Start & Run a Real Home-Based Business by Dan Furman -comes with a great CD filled with business forms
4. How to start a home-based professional organizing business by Dawn Noble-(has some great marketing tips and info on growing your business)
5. Mommy Millionaire by Kim Lavine (great story about a stay at home mom)
6. Making work at home work by Mary M. Byers
7. Staring your own business by Edward Paulson (comes with a cd with over 100 documents & agreements)
I find that some of the start your own business books contain something I may not have known before.